September 11, 2008

5 weeks and counting

until i return to my "where-i-really-belong-homeland."

tentative plans include roma, napoli/capri, orvieto (e la campagna), e forse sicilia o puglia.

a presto.....!

September 3, 2008

A Sense of Place 2008

I have a piece in a show in Augusta, GA this fall. Since my printer is on the fritz, I also can't use the crappy scanner connected to it (?), so I don't have the real card to show. (Image below from the application).

Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art
Augusta, GA
September 19 - October 17, 2008
Opening Reception: Friday, September 19, 2008, 6-8 pm
Juror: Amanda Cooper

September 2, 2008

BRAVO: "Italy's dead man walking"

BBC story of napolitan author uncovering La Camorra: here

PLEASE read this!!! we must fight this imposed silence!